Design line extension is a dispensable technique when you want to get your artwork printed on different sizes and dimensions of materials without losing out on the original clarity and aesthetic elements. There are many instances when there could be different variables for the same product (in terms of quantity, size, color, etc.) but the artwork on the label is common and it has to remain the same across all the variables. This is where design line extension helps to adapt the artwork to different variables without having to create or design a different artwork for each variable. This saves time, energy, money, and other resources at the end of the day and helps to meet stringent deadlines without any delays.
Infouna Technologies Pvt. Ltd. specializes in design line extensions for various industries. With a wide array of tools and techniques as well as latest software and technology to make design line extension smooth and effortless, Infouna Technologies Pvt. Ltd. helps clients to reconfigure their artwork no matter what the requirements may be without changing the original in any way. This is done keeping deadline and budgets in mind so that projects are completed on time, every time.
We strive hard and provide value added services and solutions that has helped many companies to succeed.